Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thaddeus McCotter Rules

Greg Gutfeld recently explained on Red Eye  what makes Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) so awesome:  If you were making a movie and needed someone to play the part of the crusty, old, heartless conservative - based on looks alone, you would pick Thaddeus McCotter.  I mean, the guy is Montgomery Burns.  Eeeeexcellent.

And yet, he's actually the smartest, funniest and best communicator on Capitol Hill.  Not impressed yet?  How about this: he's in the Guinness Book of World Records for playing guitar in the world's longest concert.

The internet it teeming with videos of Rep. McCotter giving lessons in awesomeness, but this interview from PJTV is one of my favorites.  Around the 3:20 mark McCotter wonderfully explains exactly where Republican political philosophy needs to be:  Right at the intersection of free-market economics and community-style government.

Libertarians who focus on unrestrained markets and unfettered individualism have it wrong.  Republicans believe government is valuable, but only on a small scale.  Communities, churches, families, voluntary associations - these are what effective government looks like.  Despite the pop-culture caricature of conservatives, we are primarily driven by a concern for others, rather than a concern for efficiency and profitability.  But when this concern for others is dictated by those in a far-removed, centralized government that bears none of the costs of the sacrifice it imposes on its citizenry, the result is tyranny.  That is what is unacceptable to conservatives.

UPDATE:  The uncanny resemblance between McCotter and Mr. Burns made me remember my favorite "evil conservative" doppelganger (I'm starting to detect a trend here):

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