Friday, April 23, 2010

SHOCKER: Obamacare Will Cost More Than Advertised

Get ready for a study in dishonest government. Clearly, no educated person thought Obamacare would reduce health-care costs, but that's exactly how it was sold - or rather, attempted to be sold to a public that didn't buy it in the end (but got it anyway). Now we'll watch as the Obama administration does what liberal social engineers always do: redefine the stated goal of the legislation to make it fit the actual outcome.

Mark my words: Now that the Health and Human Services department has confirmed what everyone already knew, we'll hear nothing from the Left but claims that the health-care overhaul is a huge success because it is going to cover millions more Americans.

They will completely ignore the fact that this bill was sold as a cost-control measure, and pretend that the case for it had rested on its ability to cover more people - a fact that no one argued, but its opponents (i.e. the American people) insisted didn't justify the expected costs.

"Pass the bill to find out what's in it." Indeed.

Ugh. Is it November yet?

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