Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not So Wonderful?

I think this is a great little illustration of how American perceptions of capitalism have become warped over the years.

One of the most beloved and sympathetic characters in the history of American Film is George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart masterfully portrays the young idealistic man who sacrifices his own dreams out of a sense of obligation to his family and his community, becoming a jaded and bitter man in the process. Of course, George's outlook changes when Clarence, an angel, shows George that a world bereft of all of his sacrifice would be a terrible, terrible place.

Can you remember what George's role was in the community? Can you remember what he did that put him in a position to help so many people and improve so many lives?

Minister?  Teacher?  Mayor?


He was a banker.

h/t Michael Medved via John Stossel


  1. He worked for Chase investing in sub-prime derivatives, right?

  2. Actually, he ran a Building and Loan that made home loans to recent immigrants who couldn't get them from other banks, so you're not too far off :-)
