Friday, April 30, 2010

Defending the Cross

Is it disturbing to anyone else that the Supreme Court has to rule on the legality of a cross?

So the free exercise of religion means that people are free to exercise their religion, even if it overlaps a governmental function. It's simply amazing that this was ever in doubt in a country that claims to be "free."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Last Word on Arizona

Bravo, Mr. McCarthy. Bravo.

"A government that abdicates our national defense against outside forces is no longer a government worth having.

"In adopting the Constitution, in giving their consent to our social contract, the sovereign states agreed to cede some of their authority in exchange for one overriding benefit. It was not to have an overseer to monitor our salt intake, design our light bulbs, prepare for our retirement, manage our medical treatments, or mandate our purchases. It was to provide for our security. It was to repel invasion by aliens who challenged our sovereign authority to set the conditions of their presence on our soil.

"For that reason, border security has always been the highest prerogative of sovereignty. Immune from judicial interference, it answers to no warrant requirement. At the border, the federal government does not need probable cause — or any cause at all — to inquire into a person’s citizenship, immigration status, or purpose for attempting to enter our country. Agents can detain immigrants and citizens alike. They can perform bodily searches. They can go through every inch of a would-be entrant’s belongings, read his mail, and scrutinize the contents of his computer. A person subjected to this treatment may find it degrading or unfair, but the courts have nothing to say about it. At stake, after all, is the irreducible core of a sovereign people’s power to protect themselves from intruders.

"At the southern border, however, the federal government has forfeited its power. As a result, Arizonans are imperiled by Mexico’s brutally violent warring factions. They are crushed economically as the magnet effect of our unsustainable welfare state falls disproportionately on their schools, hospitals, jails, and pocketbooks, to the tune of nearly $2 billion per year.

"Arizona is a sovereign state. Its citizens have a natural right to defend themselves, particularly when the federal government surrenders. The state’s new law does precisely that, in a measured way that comes nowhere close to invoking the necessary, draconian powers Leviathan has but refuses to use.

"Demagogues are smearing Arizona’s immigration law as “racial profiling” because it endorses police inquiries into the validity of a person’s presence in the United States. The claim could not be more specious. The law does not give police any new basis to stop and detain someone. Police may not inquire into immigration status unless they have a “lawful” basis for stopping the person in the first place. And even then, the police officer must have “reasonable suspicion” before attempting to determine whether the person is lawfully present. And that suspicion must be generated by something beyond race and ethnicity — as Byron York notes, the law expressly says these may not be the sole factors.

"The law is clearly constitutional. Yet the Obama administration, having buried unconsenting Americans under avalanches of debt and inscrutable, unconstitutional mega-statutes, is mulling a court challenge, casting its lot with lawless aliens against besieged Arizonans.

"A government destructive of our citizens’ basic rights to know, to determine, and to have the protection of the law cannot endure. This one will not. The only question is how much more damage we will allow it to do."

— Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute and the author of Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad (Encounter Books, 2008).

More on Arizona

People who think it violates some fundamental human right to be asked for government issued identification really need to stop and think about that for a second before saying it out loud.

Think about - oh, I don't know - the last time you:

got on an airplane
got pulled over by a policeman
ordered a drink
purchased anything
applied for a job
traveled to another country
purchased anything
voted...oh wait, no ID required for that anymore, at least in Chicago
purchased anything
purchased anything

Think about those situations, then stop making idiotic arguments implying that other, more thoughtful people are actually racists.

The Arizona Immigration Law

I've heard some different claims about the new Arizona Immigration law, specifically turning on whether police can inquire into a person's citizenship status during a casual encounter not related to the investigation of another illegal act. That question (how it will be enforced) is the only conceivably controversial thing about the Arizona law, since it otherwise conforms exactly to current federal law (which is not enforced at all).

Linda Chavez, a conservative that I respect very much, claims that the law gives police the ability to approach any person who "looks Mexican," ask about their citizenship status, and detain them if they can't provide documentation. That seemed troubling to me, because while a person in a country illegally certainly has no right to expect to be left alone by law enforcement, a citizen of that country should be free from intrusive law enforcement actions.

After doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that Ms. Chavez, while I understand her concern, is wrong about the meaning of the law itself. The clearest and most succinct articulation I've found to correct her misconception is this post by Andy McCarthy at NRO, which also cites an excellent article by Byron York. The law itself does not countenance racial profiling. In fact, it rejects that approach both implicitly (through carefully crafted legal language) and explicitly (by clearly excluding the use of racial profiling). The only legitimate claim against this law is that individual police officers may enforce it incorrectly, and in doing so violate the civil liberties of American citizens. That concerns me, but it's an argument that can be made against any law.

McCarthy's final conclusion is this: "The people who are complaining about this law almost certainly either have not read it or are demagogues who would make the same absurd claims no matter what they law said." I think there's a third possibility that applies to Ms. Chavez. Some people who misinterpret the bill probably do so because, despite their intelligence, they are not lawyers or law enforcement officials trained to interpret and implement legal language.

Everyone can understand "racial profiling," but not everyone understands the actual legal concept of "reasonable suspicion." Those who don't should take care when commenting, especially if they intend to cast aspersions on the moral qualities of the bill's proponents and supporters.

Linda Chavez has responded to Andy McCarthy. Her argument is basically that the wording of the bill itself is confusing and leaves open the possibility that it will be misapplied in violation of citizens' liberties.

I think this proves my point above. The text is only confusing or uncertain for people who aren't career criminal lawyers or law enforcement agents - i.e. the people who will actually be enforcing the law. And yes, the law can be misapplied. Every law can be abused or misapplied by law enforcement professionals. That's the weakness of any legal code, but it's a weakness that we accept in exchange for the benefits that come with writing laws down. The people of Arizona clearly thought a written state law that might be misunderstood or slightly abused was still better than the status quo - federal law that isn't enforced at all.

Also, her point that immigration has been going down in recent years is a little strange. Immigration has been going down because our economy has been tanking. That would be a justification for inaction on the immigration front only if we fully expect the economy to never recover. If, on the other had, we do expect the economy to recover, wouldn't now be a good time to make some big changes to our immigration policies?

Is it a better idea to fix a faucet when it's dripping or when it's gushing?

Monday, April 26, 2010


How interesting.

I wonder...if a group of Tea Partiers vandalized a government building with swastikas or got into an argument with a counter-protester, a "small riot" ensued, the counter-protester had to be escorted away by police who "feared for his safety", and one of the people assaulting him was arrested...don't you think it would have been a national news story?

Isn't the clear lesson of these events that people who oppose Arizona's immigration law are dangerous, violent extremists? Can there be any doubt that their fanatical actions can be blamed on irresponsible voices in the media that foster ignorance and intolerance for others with differing perspectives? Before you answer, understand that disagreement will be interpreted as evidence of your own irrationality and, most likely, thinly-veiled racism.

Seriously, though. Does no one on the Left ever wonder why the rampant incivility and legitimately documented violence by people on their side is simply not reported? Or, at the very least, do they note that such behavior is not cited by the media as evidence of the Left's prominent role in the deterioration of public discourse?

What is being portrayed as the "cause" of the unrest in Arizona? The strong Arizona immigration bill, of course.

But what was portrayed as the "cause" of the unrest surrounding the health-care debate? The massively unpopular health-care bill itself? No, no. The Tea Party, talk radio, etc.


Just to clarify, the offensive thing here is not the behavior of activists on the Left. That's fine, even if I wish it were a little less strident. The offensive thing is the inconsistent treatment of activists on different ends of the political spectrum by the national media. The bias is disgusting, and is slowly pushing the dinosaur media into total public irrelevance.

Can we please put an end to all this nonsense implying that an engaged and emotionally-charged public somehow threatens civil society?

Friday, April 23, 2010

SHOCKER: Obamacare Will Cost More Than Advertised

Get ready for a study in dishonest government. Clearly, no educated person thought Obamacare would reduce health-care costs, but that's exactly how it was sold - or rather, attempted to be sold to a public that didn't buy it in the end (but got it anyway). Now we'll watch as the Obama administration does what liberal social engineers always do: redefine the stated goal of the legislation to make it fit the actual outcome.

Mark my words: Now that the Health and Human Services department has confirmed what everyone already knew, we'll hear nothing from the Left but claims that the health-care overhaul is a huge success because it is going to cover millions more Americans.

They will completely ignore the fact that this bill was sold as a cost-control measure, and pretend that the case for it had rested on its ability to cover more people - a fact that no one argued, but its opponents (i.e. the American people) insisted didn't justify the expected costs.

"Pass the bill to find out what's in it." Indeed.

Ugh. Is it November yet?

It Continues...

Well, I really should rename my blog "A Smoochy, Smoochy Love Letter to Jonah Goldberg." It's getting a bit ridiculous, but it cannot be avoided.

This article in Commentary Magazine is probably the most important analysis of the Obama administration's ideological orientation that I've seen. I think it does several important things:

1. It exposes the disingenuous effort to marginalize as thoughtless reactionaries those conservatives who use the term "socialist" to describe Obama's policies. Leftists, who generally have a favorable view of those Western European and Scandinavian nations that describe themselves as "socialist," dissonantly assume that when conservatives describe Obama as a "socialist" they mean something very different and intensely sinister. But when conservatives say they don't want socialism, they don't mean they're afraid that Bolshevism is in our future. They're afraid that the British Labour Party is in our future. That, not soviet-style statism, is the immediate concern. It's just dishonest to brand conservatives as crazies who think Obama is a Manchurian Candidate counting the minutes until he can install himself as dictator-for-life.

2. It clearly distinguishes this brand of socialism from the straw-man socialism conjured by the Left. It is less a nebulous controlling ideology and more a practical necessity for societies pursuing "social justice." Goldberg explains: "It is an orientation, a way of thinking about politics and governance—it is oriented toward government control but is not monomaniacally committed to it as the be-all and end-all. Social-ism is about what activists call “social justice,” which is always “progressive” and egalitarian but not invariably statist."

3. It shows how the this brand of socialism permits all criticisms of its failings to be deflected away from the expansive state and back onto majoritarian systems and free markets. Goldberg explains: "The political virtue of Fabianism is that since “socialism” is always around the corner and has never been fully implemented, it can never be held to blame for the failings of the statist policies that have already been enacted. The cure is always more incremental socialism. And the disease is, always and forever, laissez-faire capitalism. That is why George W. Bush’s tenure is routinely described by Democrats as a period of unfettered capitalism and “market fundamentalism,” even as the size and scope of government massively expanded under Bush’s watch while corporate tax rates remained high and Wall Street was more, not less, regulated.

4. Finally, it puts a distinctive and useful name to the administration's unique brand of progressivism/Fabianism/social democracy - Neosocialism.

Kindred Hearts

Goldberg has been channeling G.K. Chesterton lately, which makes me even more certain that Goldberg is a long-lost uncle of mine. Compare the excerpt below to this quote of Chesterton's:

Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists.
- G.K.C., The Uses of Diversity

Capitalism vs. Capitalists
Jonah Goldberg

Friday, April 23, 2010

Five years ago this week, my former boss William F. Buckley started a column thusly:

"Every ten years I quote the same adage from the late Austrian analyst Willi Schlamm, and I hope that ten years from now someone will remember to quote it in my memory. It goes, 'The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.'"
Schlamm's point is still relevant, even though the kind of socialism we're dealing with is less doctrinaire. But it also distorts the issue somewhat. One might just as easily say that the problem with socialism is capitalists, too.

If by "capitalist" you mean someone who cares more about his own profit than yours; if you mean someone who cares more about providing for his family than providing for yours; if you mean someone who trusts that he is a better caretaker of his own interests and desires than a bureaucrat he's never met, often in a city he's never been to: then we are all capitalists. Because, by that standard, capitalism isn't some far-off theory about the allocation of capital; it is a commonsense description of what motivates pretty much all human beings everywhere.
The problem with socialism is socialism, because there are no socialists. Socialism is a system based upon an assumption about human nature that simply isn't true. I can design a perfect canine community in which dogs never chase squirrels or groom their nether regions in an indelicate manner. But the moment I take that idea from the drawing board to the real world, I will discover that I cannot get dogs to behave against their nature -- at least not without inflicting a terrible amount of punishment. Likewise, it's easy to design a society that rewards each according to his need instead of his ability. The hard part is getting the crooked timber of humanity to yield to your vision.

And it's also why the problem with capitalism is capitalists. Some people will always abuse the system and take things too far. Some will do it out of the hubris of intellect. Some will do it out of the venality of greed.

I bring all of this up because many in Washington seem convinced that the solution to the problem with capitalists is always less capitalism. To be sure, a free market society is in some sense a government program. The government must prosecute criminality, enforce contracts and demand that the rules are observed. Few lovers of free markets are so laissez-faire as to want to strip the government of its role as referee.

But few should want the ref to suit up and play the game.
We are fond of saying that the answer to free-speech problems is more free speech. But we seem incapable of grasping that sometimes -- and only sometimes -- the solution to capitalism's problems is more capitalism.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not So Wonderful?

I think this is a great little illustration of how American perceptions of capitalism have become warped over the years.

One of the most beloved and sympathetic characters in the history of American Film is George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart masterfully portrays the young idealistic man who sacrifices his own dreams out of a sense of obligation to his family and his community, becoming a jaded and bitter man in the process. Of course, George's outlook changes when Clarence, an angel, shows George that a world bereft of all of his sacrifice would be a terrible, terrible place.

Can you remember what George's role was in the community? Can you remember what he did that put him in a position to help so many people and improve so many lives?

Minister?  Teacher?  Mayor?


He was a banker.

h/t Michael Medved via John Stossel

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Bush Backlash

Speaking of George W. Bush...

Jonah Goldberg points out one aspect of the Tea Parties that is being entirely ignored by media accounts.  They are unflinchingly critical of many of the Bush administration's domestic policies.  In fact, the Tea Partiers are, dare I say, nuanced in their approach to George W. Bush.  They largely applaud his foreign policy decisions and have a great appreciation for the man himself, but they do not shrink from loudly railing against his domestic agenda - particularly near the end of his 2nd term.

This paragraph sums it up well:

For instance, when Bush’s face appeared on the Jumbotron in the arena, the Cincinnati audience applauded. When speakers criticized Bush and the GOP for “losing their way,” the audience applauded even louder.


Jay Nordlinger posted a reminder of this wonderful expression of Americanism.  I think that George W. Bush, despite all the mockery he endured during his presidency,  will be remembered as one of the most eloquent defenders of human freedom in all of history.

The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world. . . .

We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies. . . .

We do not accept the existence of permanent tyranny because we do not accept the possibility of permanent slavery. . . .

All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: The United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you. Democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile can know: America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country.

- George W. Bush
(from his 2nd Inaugural Address)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why the Healthcare Debate Really Matters

I realize that the average American's eyes will cross at the mention of constitutional issues surrounding the individual health insurance mandate.  The subject matter is not exactly riveting.  But I think people would be much more interested if they were being accurately told exactly what is at stake.

The Supreme Court's decision on this debate will determine how much control the Federal government has over private economic decisions for generations to come.  There are people who say, "Look, I know the constitution tries to make sure government doesn't get too much power and make people's lives worse.  But when we're trying to do something good for others, morality requires that we find a way around it."  People who think like this, despite their best intentions, are enemies of freedom and prosperity.  They would have a society of men, not of laws.  They, in their simplicity, would take us down the road to serfdom. 

For example, our President has said that he would prefer that courts "break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution...that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties - says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

The President seemed to think that this vital structural feature of U.S. government is a flaw, rather than the source of all our freedom and national prosperity.  That is shocking.  He disingenuously argues that such an arrangement is not inherent it the Constitution itself, but has been imposed on it over the years by judges and constitutional scholars apparently less knowledgeable or enlightened than he.

When the talk radio hosts rant about these sorts of statements from the President, they are absolutely right.  This is nothing less than a radical re-imagining of the structure of the American system of government.  I pray that the Court has the honesty to call it what it is, and reject it.  Because if the Court is willing to legislate out of the Constitution any meaningful restraints on Federal power, not even the repeal of this particular bill can undo the damage.

The die will be cast.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Best Sign from 2010 Tax Day Tea Party

 ...said "I can see November from my house!"

That's if you don't count the pink-haired college kid with one that said "Bigots Go Home."  Which is equally priceless.

A Little Paranoia is a Good Thing

Rich Lowry makes the interesting point that political paranoia, like most things, is historically good in moderation.


I've been reading G.K. Chesterton like crazy lately.  If I believed in reincarnation I would be fairly certain that a small, diminished part of Chesterton's soul found it's way into me.  I am constantly surprised at how perfectly he describes the things I've always known and felt, but never heard adequately expressed.

It's surprising that someone writing at the turn of the 20th century can be so relevant today, but it really shouldn't be.  Since human nature is unchanging, it's utterly predictable that we would continue to have all the same old arguments dressed up in new clothes.

Everyone should read him.  Everyone.  I'm reading Heretics right now in Volume 1 of his collected works.  It was written before his conversion to Catholicism and is the lesser-known predecessor to his more famous Orthodoxy.  His arguments are so stunning that I've decided to collect and read each volume of his collected works.  There are about 35 volumes.  Should be a fun "bucket list"-type undertaking.

Julie would make fun of me for using the word "fun" to describe it, but each his own.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Let the Games Begin

Justice Stevens is retiring.  And at a mere 90 years young.

Europe is a Free-Rider

Pure gold from Goldberg.

If We Europeanize, Europe Is in Trouble
We can’t become Europe unless someone else is willing to become America.


Europe is a free-rider. It can only afford to be Europe because we can afford to be America.

The most obvious and most cited illustration of this fact is national defense. Europe’s defense budgets have been miniscule because Europeans can count on Uncle Sam to protect them....  If America Europeanizes, who’s going to protect Europe? Who’s going to keep the sea lanes open? Who’s going to contain Iran — China? Okay, maybe. But then who’s going to contain China?

But that’s not the only way in which Europeans are free-riders. America invents a lot of stuff. When was the last time you used a Portuguese electronic device? How often does Europe come out with a breakthrough drug? Not often, and when they do, it’s usually because companies like Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline increasingly conduct their research here. Indeed, the top five U.S. hospitals conduct more clinical trials than all the hospitals in any other single country combined. We nearly monopolize the Nobel Prize in medicine, and we create stuff at a rate Europe hasn’t seen since da Vinci was in his workshop.

If America truly Europeanized, where would the innovations come from?

Europhiles hate this sort of talk. They say there’s no reason to expect America to lose its edge just because we have a more “compassionate” government. Americans are an innovative, economically driven people. That’s true. But so were the Europeans — once. Then they adopted the policies they have today and that liberals want us to have tomorrow.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thaddeus McCotter Rules

Greg Gutfeld recently explained on Red Eye  what makes Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) so awesome:  If you were making a movie and needed someone to play the part of the crusty, old, heartless conservative - based on looks alone, you would pick Thaddeus McCotter.  I mean, the guy is Montgomery Burns.  Eeeeexcellent.

And yet, he's actually the smartest, funniest and best communicator on Capitol Hill.  Not impressed yet?  How about this: he's in the Guinness Book of World Records for playing guitar in the world's longest concert.

The internet it teeming with videos of Rep. McCotter giving lessons in awesomeness, but this interview from PJTV is one of my favorites.  Around the 3:20 mark McCotter wonderfully explains exactly where Republican political philosophy needs to be:  Right at the intersection of free-market economics and community-style government.

Libertarians who focus on unrestrained markets and unfettered individualism have it wrong.  Republicans believe government is valuable, but only on a small scale.  Communities, churches, families, voluntary associations - these are what effective government looks like.  Despite the pop-culture caricature of conservatives, we are primarily driven by a concern for others, rather than a concern for efficiency and profitability.  But when this concern for others is dictated by those in a far-removed, centralized government that bears none of the costs of the sacrifice it imposes on its citizenry, the result is tyranny.  That is what is unacceptable to conservatives.

UPDATE:  The uncanny resemblance between McCotter and Mr. Burns made me remember my favorite "evil conservative" doppelganger (I'm starting to detect a trend here):

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Krauthammer on Obama's Nuke Policy

The Grinch hits one out again. "Either insane or ridiculous." Classic.

Monsters Do Exist

I love this piece from Jonah Goldberg.  This sentence sums up the theme:

Meanness is no longer innate; it’s the unfortunate side effect of being misunderstood, the forgivable self-defense mechanism of victims.

Some people will think he's being a little paranoid; sometimes movies are just entertainment, not tools of propaganda - and I think he would wholeheartedly agree with that. But he's not out to censor anyone, he's making a point about our society's increasing tendency to excuse bad behavior. It's hard to deny the power of his argument.

Not every monster is a misunderstood victim. Some of them are just monsters. It's a valuable exercise to try to understand why people act they way they do - but evil that can be understood is no less evil.

I also agree with him that our society has incohenetly made judgmentalism the only inexcusable vice (If you consider someone to be judgmental, aren't you being judgmental?), and that is an extremely disturbing development.

UPDATE: And here's a great little comment from John J. Miller:

There was a time when we knew a monster when we saw one — and understood that some nasties need to have their heads chopped off and their mouths stuffed with garlic. Nowadays, however, vampirism and its related maladies are just alternative lifestyles. Condemning them is an unforgivable rendering of judgment and a crime against the imperatives of moral relativism. A society that has trouble recognizing monsters in its art probably will have difficulty identifying terrorists at its airports.

Some Thoughts on the Census

After hearing that many people in Chicago were receiving duplicate census forms, I began to wonder if that might throw the accuracy or impartiality of the process into doubt. The particularly cynical side of me wondered if bureaucratic slip-ups could be intentionally targeted to engineer a desired result in certain parts of the country. I know what you're thinking, but no - I don't also suspect that the Russians are behind it.

Have no fear! The Census Bureau assures me that they have "procedures to eliminate duplicate forms. There is an ID number associated with each household’s form. This prevents us from counting you more than once." Ah, an ID number. Thank goodness. Now I can sleep easy.

Okay, so let's assume that the ultra-professional temporary hires being paid to sort millions of forms for the Census Bureau have neither the means nor the inclination to tamper with the super-duper, double-encrypted, kryptonite-laced ID numbers that determine distribution of government funds to their own neighborhoods. What assurance can people have that political considerations aren't driving the determination of which communities will get two shots at the Census?

Well, today Steve Pendlebury at AOL News put all my fears to rest. You see, the Census Bureau is only sending duplicate forms to "about 40 million homes in areas where response was low in the 2000 census."

Ah. So this isn't a tactic to engineer a desired result, it's just a way people in certain parts of the country a little extra encouragement to fill out the form. There. No problem, right? I mean, it's only going to places where response was low in 2000.

Question: If the purpose of the Census is to give us an accurate count of the population, how is it possible to say that response in a particular area is "low"? I understand that there are other indicators of population that allow us to infer a rough estimate to compare with census returns. But if a preconceived idea of population in a particular city is used to determine the accuracy of the census...what is the purpose of the census?

More importantly, if the Census Bureau is empowered to take extra measures to ensure a particular rate of return in certain areas of the country, how childlike would one have to be to claim that this process (being inherently opaque to public scrutiny) is not subject to political considerations or pressures. And by implication, how can we have any confidence in the results?

When the government takes steps to engineer results that circumvent their notion of public stupidity, the result is always a fiasco. This is because government is made up of people - the same people whose stupidity the government aims to outflank. And all people are much better at pointing out the stupidity of others than they are at recognizing their own.  And yes, that includes me.  I have no idea how stupid I am.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kumbaya Foreign Policy

This is precisely why you don't put a law professor/community organizer with no executive, foreign policy or military experience in charge of your country.

I would usually be glad to see president Obama essentially handing the government back to conservatives in 2010 and 2012, but in this case he's also putting my life in danger. So maybe not such a good thing, on the whole.

Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms

Published: April 5, 2010

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Monday that he was revamping American nuclear strategy to substantially narrow the conditions under which the United States would use nuclear weapons.

But the president said in an interview that he was carving out an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” that have violated or renounced the main treaty to halt nuclear proliferation.
Mr. Obama’s strategy is a sharp shift from those of his predecessors and seeks to revamp the nation’s nuclear posture for a new age in which rogue states and terrorist organizations are greater threats than traditional powers like Russia and China.

It eliminates much of the ambiguity that has deliberately existed in American nuclear policy since the opening days of the cold war. For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack….

I agree with Allahpundit's analysis at Hot Air:

All this is, really, is a symbolic gesture of good faith to put pressure on Russia and China to reduce their own stockpiles. Why we think they can be trusted to do that, especially when the United States is handing them a tactical advantage by reducing its own stockpiles unilaterally, is beyond me. But then it’s also beyond me why Obama would suspend development on any new forms of nuclear weapons, which the new policy also demands...

...In limiting the nuclear deterrent to nuclear weapons (and, in certain cases, biological attacks) instead of WMD generally, doesn’t this create an incentive to focus on developing bio and chemical weapons? In most cases those are less dangerous than nukes, but nukes are also harder to develop and more easy to monitor. Do we really want tomorrow’s A.Q. Khans focusing on smallpox instead? Exit question two: If the point here is to raise the taboo on using nuclear weapons, doesn’t that actually make them more enticing for jihadi fanatics?

Obama Zombies

Is this the most effective book cover ever?

I haven't read it (I rarely read books about current political events - seems like a better idea to let things marinate for a little while before drawing any book-length conclusions), but I don't think I really need to. I lived through the past few years (at a public University and in Chicago, no less), so I have a pretty good understanding of the sort of juvenile groupthink that brought us to where we are today.

Still, might be worth picking up.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kudos to The Seattle Times

Well this is unexpected. The Seattle Times editorial board has come out in support of the constitutional challenge to ObamaCare. Honesty is always refreshing.

We think McKenna has a good case, and one the progressives who condemn him ought to appreciate. These critics are so often right about the dangers of corporate power, and particularly the rapacity of insurance companies.

But if it's federal power, and it's for a social purpose, and Barack Obama is presiding over it, they set their judgment aside. They accept a 2,000-page bill on its label only. They accept its promise, almost surely vacant, of cost savings. They overlook the deals cut with the insurance and pharmaceutical interests. They shrug off the "cornhusker kickback." And to those who invoke the Constitution, they become shrill.

This page supported Obama, and we still like him. But we also support checks and balances on federal power, and review of this law by the Supreme Court.

Classic New York Times

Just unbelievable.

The New York Times has posted this picture alongside an article titled "When Does Political Anger Turn to Violence?" It likens the Tea Party protesters to Bill Ayers and the Weathermen - a domestic terrorist organization that bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, and the State Department in the early Seventies.

I suppose if one wanted to give the Times the benefit of the doubt, they would say that this is intended to illustrate a sliding scale of public anger (i.e. Tea Partiers represent harmless frustration, whereas the Weathermen represent dangerous, violent anger) and this fits nicely with the theme of the article. But as Laura Ingraham said, "We're smart here...we know what's going on."

"Free Speech" in Canada

This is an interesting interview (video embedded at the end of this post). Americans tend to assume that Western democracies share our views of basic human freedoms. That is simply not the case.

Susan G. Cole, interviewed by Megyn Kelly below, offers a very clear and measured account of the Canadian view of speech rights. She makes the case that "free speech absolutists" actually pose a threat to meaningful discourse, and thus that government has a role in restricting speech that it considers disruptive. It follows then, in her view, that people like Ann Coulter should not be welcome to speak in Canada, because Coulter engages in mere "provocation."

My honest assessment is that this calm, rational, thoughtful woman is more dangerous to civil discourse than a thousand Ann Coulters, Keith Olbermanns, Michael Savages or Michael Moores. We should listen to her patiently, and then mock her mercilessly for being ridiculous.

If Ms. Cole claims to believe that nations have a legitimate interest in silencing those whose views are inconsistent with their national values, isn't it remarkably cynical for her to appear on an American television network to oppose extensive rights of free speech - which we hold as dear as life itself?

Consider: Ms. Cole's viewpoint is completely antagonistic to the social fabric of our nation. She apparently thinks we would be right to say that she has no business spreading her ignorance among our people. If we were like Canada, her perspective would never be heard. But the irony of the situation doesn't even seem to occur to her.

But of course she's not talking about herself. She's one of the enlightened ones who should always have the right to say what they think. She's talking about all those other nasty people.

She says (emphasis added) "We're trying to create an environment which is a safe place to think and learn, and I don't think Ann Coulter contributes to that." And yet the University group that invited Coulter and the students who turned up to hear her apparently thought she would "contribute". Futhermore, I think that Ms. Cole's viewpoint is dangerous and squelches meaningful dialogue rather than contributing to it. How do we know who is right? Why does this woman assume that her own viewpoint is so unassailable that contrary views should be silenced? How is that anything but fascist?

People like Ms. Cole will always find ways to justify denying to others the very rights that they would fight to the death to protect for themselves. And that is the definition of tyranny.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Constitutional Challenge to ObamaCare

I went to law school, but I'm certainly no expert on Commerce Clause jurisprudence. My knowledge on the subject doesn't go very far beyond Wickard and Lopez. That said, based on the current composition of the Court and the general trend away from an expansive reading of the Commerce power, I can't help but think that the individual mandate is ripe for rejection by the Court.

True, the smart money is always on the Court upholding a far-reaching piece of legislation. But an individual insurance mandate is so obviously distinguishable from previous Commerce Clause precedent (which is totally unpredictable as it is) that the arguments briefed in this case should carry a lot of weight. It'll be a close one.

For what it's worth, here are just a few analysts in support of a Constitutional challenge to the individual health insurance mandate under the Commerce Clause:

Randy Barnett via PJTV

Jonathan Turley (certainly no lockstep conservative) in USA Today.

Judge Andrew Napolitano via his Facebook page

Ilya Shapiro at CATO.

Update: The Seattle Times is on board.