Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tony Blankley Clearly Calls for Violence!

Okay, the title of this post is a little misleading, but you'll see why. Tony Blankley has a very entertaining take on the recent liberal apoplexy. Here are my favorite parts:

"The late, splendid Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once famously asserted, 'Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.' The senator was wrong. (Of course, for those of us who still believe that objectivity is objective, a fact is still a fact, though the heavens may fall.)
"The Democratic party collectively smeared scores of millions of American tea-party participants as racist, homophobic, violent terrorists in the absence of a single verified fact in support of even one such incident being attributable to a single individual. Nor did their media pals even bother with the word 'alleged.'
"Last week I quite upset more than 800 digital 'commenters' at the Huffington Post — and thousands of other friendly, if often obscene and contemptuous, e-mailers — because I used the word 'socialism' to describe a government-designed, -taxed, -regulated and -mandated program the enforcement of which will require 16,000 new IRS agents.

"We’re in for quite a brawl.
Note to the Democratic party’s talking-points-drafting people: I am using the word 'brawl' as a metaphor. I am not calling for violence against your dainty selves, so you can come out from pretending to be trembling under your desks and bask in the physical safety of debating Republicans, conservatives, tea-party folks, and other fine Americans.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are, my little pretties. We want to debate the facts, not duck your mud balls. What are you afraid of? Admittedly, the truth may hurt you — but only metaphorically. And, as the phrase goes, the truth will set us, even you, free."

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