Friday, February 19, 2010

If You Get What You Want, Is the System Broken?

Imagine that you sit down in a restaurant and order a steak. After a few moments, you realize that you don't have enough money to pay for the steak. You call the waiter over and ask for a cheeseburger instead. He graciously agrees and, a few minutes later, brings you a cheeseburger.

Would anyone cite the scenario above as an example of a system that is "broken"? What if the waiter had ignored your request and brought you a steak instead? Would that be an example of a system that worked?

Well, all the recent talk from the Left about the political system being "broken" has really annoyed me. It really is disingenuous, will-to-power nonsense. The argument is absolutely nothing more than, "If the political system allows popular opinion to prevent us from getting our way, then the system is broken."

If the Republicans were, as the Democrats claim, obstructing the will of the American people, then the Republicans would presumably pay a price for their "obstructionism" at the polls. But, of course, that isn't happening.

Charles Krauthammer's piece on this subject is absolutely perfect, so I'll just reproduce it in it's entirety (and illegally?) here:

Ungovernable? Nonsense.
This isn’t structural failure; this is the system working the way it’s supposed to.

In the latter days of the Carter presidency, it became fashionable to say that the office had become unmanageable and was simply too big for one man. Some suggested a single, six-year presidential term. The president’s own White House counsel suggested abolishing the separation of powers and going to a more parliamentary system of unitary executive control. America had become ungovernable.

Then came Ronald Reagan, and all that chatter disappeared.

The tyranny of entitlements? Reagan collaborated with Tip O’Neill, the legendary Democratic House speaker, to establish the Alan Greenspan commission that kept Social Security solvent for a quarter-century.

A corrupted system of taxation? Reagan worked with liberal Democrat Bill Bradley to craft a legislative miracle: tax reform that eliminated dozens of loopholes and slashed rates across the board — and fueled two decades of economic growth.

Later, a highly skilled Democratic president, Bill Clinton, successfully tackled another supposedly intractable problem: the culture of intergenerational dependency. He collaborated with another House speaker, Newt Gingrich, to produce the single most successful social reform of our time, the abolition of welfare as an entitlement.

It turned out that the country’s problems were not problems of structure but of leadership. Reagan and Clinton had it. Carter didn’t. Under a president with extensive executive experience, good political skills, and an ideological compass in tune with the public’s, the country was indeed governable.

It’s 2010, and the first-year agenda of a popular and promising young president has gone down in flames. Barack Obama’s two signature initiatives — cap-and-trade and health-care reform — lie in ruins.

Desperate to explain away this scandalous state of affairs, liberal apologists haul out the old reliable from the Carter years: “America the Ungovernable.” So declared Newsweek. “Is America Ungovernable?” coyly asked The New Republic. Guess the answer.

The rage at the machine has produced the usual litany of systemic explanations. Special interests are too powerful. The Senate filibuster stymies social progress. A burdensome constitutional order prevents innovation. If only we could be more like China, pines Tom Friedman, waxing poetic about the efficiency of the Chinese authoritarian model and complaining that America can only flail about under its “two parties . . . with their duel-to-the-death paralysis.” The better thinkers, bewildered and furious that their president has not gotten his way, have developed a sudden disdain for our inherently incremental constitutional system.

Yet, what’s new about any of these supposedly ruinous structural impediments? Special interests blocking policy changes? They have been around since the beginning of the republic — and, since the beginning of the republic, strong presidents, such as the two Roosevelts, have rallied the citizenry and overcome them.

And then, of course, there’s the filibuster, the newest liberal bĂȘte noire. “Don’t blame Mr. Obama,” writes Paul Krugman of the president’s failures. “Blame our political culture instead. . . . And blame the filibuster, under which 41 senators can make the country ungovernable.”

“Ungovernable,” once again. Of course, it seems like just yesterday that the same Paul Krugman was warning about “extremists” trying “to eliminate the filibuster” when Democrats used it systematically to block one Bush (43) judicial nomination after another. Back then, Democrats touted it as an indispensable check on overweening majority power. Well, it still is. Indeed, the Senate, with its ponderous procedures and decentralized structure, is serving precisely the function the Founders intended: as a brake on the passions of the House and a check against precipitous transformative change.

Leave it to Mickey Kaus, a principled liberal who supports health-care reform, to debunk these structural excuses: “Lots of intellectual effort now seems to be going into explaining Obama’s (possible/likely/impending) health care failure as the inevitable product of larger historic and constitutional forces. . . . But in this case there’s a simpler explanation: Barack Obama’s job was to sell a health care reform plan to American voters. He failed.”

He failed because the utter implausibility of its central promise — expanded coverage at lower cost — led voters to conclude that it would lead ultimately to more government, more taxes, and more debt. More broadly, the Democrats failed because, thinking the economic emergency would give them a political mandate and a legislative window, they tried to impose a left-wing agenda on a center-right country. The people said no, expressing themselves first in spontaneous demonstrations, then in public-opinion polls, then in elections — Virginia, New Jersey, and, most emphatically, Massachusetts.

That’s not a structural defect. That’s a textbook demonstration of popular will expressing itself — despite the special interests — through the existing structures. In other words, the system worked.

Charles Krauthammer is a nationally syndicated columnist. © 2010, The Washington Post Writers Group.


  1. So not fixing healthcare which is bankrupting the country means the system is working?

    I don't like the current plan, but putzing around isn't helping things. Compound interest is killer.

  2. You're assuming that the rejected health care bill would have fixed health care and reduced costs. The majority of Americans think that's clearly not the case - and I agree with them. Compound interest is a killer. I guess most people just don't think adding to the principal seems like a very sensible solution.

    Also, I disagree with the premise that health care is bankrupting the country - or at least that it's the main culprit. I think government entitlements are a bigger problem. Healthcare is just a convenient scapegoat because it's easier for politicians to blame problems on faceless "insurance companies" than it is to explain the complicated fact that stuff isn't actually free.

  3. I hated the rejected bill. You know that. It had LLC written all over it!

    If healthcare is running in the red it is at least partially bankrupting the country. Social Security as an entitlement wasn't bankrupting the country until Bush ran defecits. I belive there is a law where government surpluses are put into social security.

    IMO the government is disfunctional until some person or party stands up and says, "Alright, let's pass sensible, readable laws piecemeal." Electronic records should have been passed 10 years ago.

  4. You sound like a Tea Partier. You should come to a rally :-)
