Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Breaking News: The Sun Affects Global Temperatures!

Jonah Goldberg is just awesome. His article about the effect of sunspots on global temperatures is careful to avoid hasty scientific conclusions while pointing out the sheer zealotry on display from proponents of anthropogenic climate change.

Here's my favorite part:

...[H]umility and skepticism [among the scientific community] seem to manifest themselves only when the data point to something other than the mainstream narrative about global warming. For instance, when we have terribly hot weather, or bad hurricanes, the media see portentous proof of climate change. When we don’t, it’s a moment to teach the masses how weather and climate are very different things.

No, I’m not denying that man-made pollution and other activity have played a role in planetary warming since the Industrial Revolution.

But we live in a moment when we are told, nay lectured and harangued, that if we use the wrong toilet paper or eat the wrong cereal, we are frying the planet. But the sun? Well, that’s a distraction. Don’t you dare forget your reusable shopping bags, but pay no attention to that burning ball of gas in the sky — it’s just the only thing that prevents the planet from being a lifeless ball of ice engulfed in darkness. Never mind that sunspot activity doubled during the 20th century, when the bulk of global warming has taken place.
[M]aybe we should study a bit more before we spend billions to “solve” a problem we don’t understand so well.

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