Sunday, November 9, 2008

Introductory Post

This is going to be my first attempt at sustaining a blog. As such, I do not expect my posts to be particularly interesting to casual readers. Rather, I intend to approach this as an intellectual diary of sorts.

The subjects of my posts will, of course, be largely confined to matters of importance to me: politics, faith, philosophy, and their interaction with each other and American society generally, as I encounter it. I address these topics not because I think I have anything unusually insightful to say about them (although I probably do think so), but because there are so few opportunities in daily life to engage with them in an open, unguarded, and meaningful way, despite the fact that they are absolutely central to who I am.

So that is where this is headed. I have no doubt that it will be, at times, unbearably heavy-handed and I apologize in advance. I do tend to be a bit didactic, and my wife tells me this can often lead others to conclude that my conviction is actually closer to intolerance. I will do my best to avoid giving that impression. But if avoiding putting others off means shying away from proclaiming something that I believe to be true, I would rather be occasionally thought intolerant.

So, here we go.


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